Meredith Steele

Meredith grew up in North Carolina and relocated to Oakland in 2009. She is an artist and educator with 20 years of teaching experience. Most recently, she taught art and art history in the Upper School of Bentley School in Lafayette, CA. She left teaching in 2020 to focus on her painting full time.

Meredith’s most recent series, 100 Paintings of Oakland, started when she was in the midst of a creative block. Unsure of what to paint next, she noticed, while walking her dog around her Oakland neighborhood, the way the late California sunlight would cast shadows on the houses she passed. This is where it started, and the series developed into a body of work inspired by her daily life in Oakland. The paintings are created in her home studio from photographs she takes around the city.

Meredith has a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree from Savannah College of Art and Design and Masters of Fine Arts Degree from Winthrop University. 

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